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How to Take Your Zoom Rooms to the Next Level

Realize Your Full Meeting Potential with These Technology Upgrades

How to Take Your Zoom Rooms to the Next Level

Every once in a while we receive questions from clients about how to enhance their software-based conferencing systems. In recent years, Zoom Conference Rooms have emerged as the most popular of these ‘soft-codec ‘solutions since they offer HD video, wireless sharing, centralized management and simple one-touch meeting setups.

Nearly every time, the answer is adding the right physical infrastructure to enhance the software features offered by Zoom and their main competitors. In this blog, we're going to highlight the equipment upgrades that can take the meetings in your San Francisco office to the next level.

SEE MORE: Are You Hindering Business Communication By Using a Conference Phone?

Integrate a Professional Audio Infrastructure

Poor sound quality is usually the biggest complaint we hear. Typically that’s because clients are still relying on conference phones. The good news is that the solutions are pretty straightforward. At the end of this section we've linked to a blog dedicated to conference audio, but below are some highlights: 

  • Digital Signal Processing: DSPs bring together various sound signals and convert them to one digital output, so you get crystal clear sound with no feedback, echoes or interruptions. These are especially important in large rooms that have multiple microphones running simultaneously.
  • Microphones: Why settle for one microphone at the center of the room? We recommend investing in a microphone array. Place microphones strategically (typically hanging from the ceiling) to make sure you can hear everyone.
  • Speakers: Install in-ceiling speakers throughout the space so everyone can listen to the conversation.Through wide dispersal technology, attendants standing near a speaker won’t be overwhelmed by the volume.

SEE MORE: How to Fix Your Conference-Room Audio

Enhance Visuals with High-End Cameras and Displays

The second most important aspect of your conference room is your video. First, it's time to upgrade to 4K Ultra HD. This means investing in new displays and making sure you have the right path signal to get a full 4K signal to them.

If you’re going to have high-end displays, why waste them with grainy images coming from a cheap webcam? Installing the right cameras is an essential component to your meeting setup. Look for cameras with higher resolution, wider field of vision and zoom, pan, and tilt capabilities. Click the link below for some of our recommendations.

SEE MORE: Should You Be Using a Better Camera for Video Conferencing?

Give Added Functionality to Zoom’s Interface

Once your audio and visuals are optimized, it’s time to focus on functionality. Zoom Conference Rooms offer some awesome features, so how can you expand on them with additional equipment?

For one, we can create the right infrastructure for Video over IP (VoIP) which lets you quickly expand the number of participants and content being shared through your network. To not overwhelm your network, we also install additional physical inputs so people can connect their content directly.

Finally, we add state-of-the-art control options with customized "presentation modes" that make it easy for you to choose precisely the functionality you need whether it's a team brainstorming session or a meeting with a potential client. We can even incorporate control of lights, shades, and climates to create the ideal environment for each.

SEE MORE: What is the Best Way to Control Your Office AV System?


To take full advantage of Zoom’s Conference Room features, you need to give them the right foundation. If you want to get started on your conference room upgrade today, you can call us at (877) 747-9447 or fill out our online contact form.

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