2 Ways Your Conference Room AV Can Support Your Modern Business
Your 2019 Conference Room Should Support Your Employees

Collaboration is a crucial component in the modern office. Your employees need a place to rehearse project proposals and presentations together, hold meetings, and spread out materials while working. More than likely you have a conference room located in your office suite, but is the AV technology inside equipped to handle modern business needs and the needs of your employees as well? Hopefully, there’s more than a projector screen and speakerphone in your current conference room AV setup!
If not, our team at Western Audio Video can assist you with upgrading your conference room with the latest technology and audio/video equipment. Keep reading for more information on how to ensure your conference room AV is equipped to support your business needs while also complying with San Francisco, CA building code.
SEE ALSO: 5 Reasons Your Office AV Needs a Much Needed Upgrade
Updating your boardroom brings newfound efficiency to your office suite and makes work easier and more intuitive than ever before. Assistive listening devices should be installed to not only support employee needs but also comply with San Francisco building code. Room scheduling software is another way you can update your conference room AV.
California Building Code, guided by but more extensive than the American Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements, calls for assistive listening device incorporation in assembly areas in which audio is primary to its purpose; this means any upgrades to your conference room AV need to comply!
Stay in compliance with California building code by including two compatible receivers in rooms seating up to 50 people. Radio frequency and Wi-Fi are two assistive listening systems among others that you can easily incorporate into your conference room AV upgrade. Western Audio Video can guide you through the process of upgrading your conference room AV to support you in the modern 2019 business environment.
Room Scheduling
Crestron Room Scheduling is one of the most powerful tools you can utilize to ensure your conference room AV setup works seamlessly for everyone in the office suite. Power over Ethernet (PoE) touch screens are located outside of each conference room and use a network cable to transfer electric power, making it easier to install in your business because there’s no need for rewiring electrical power. This conference room scheduling technology allows employees to reserve a meeting room on the spot and complies with the latest network security standards in the San Francisco, California area.
Whether your office uses Microsoft Exchange or Google Calendar, your calendaring platform will connect to the Crestron Room Scheduling solution and display real-time meeting details, so you know you’re in the right place at the right time. Untangling a bunch of jumbled cables is a thing of the past with Crestron’s conference room AV technology; instructions on how to wirelessly connect to the presentation screen are shown on the display so everyone in the office can easily sit down and get started on collaborating with the team.
These two AV upgrades aren’t the only enhancements you can make to your conference room. Learn how we can help modernize your office today by calling us at (650) 747-9447 or contact us online. We look forward to working with you.