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When Is It Time to Upgrade Your Home Network?

Strengthen the Internet Connection of Your Palo Alto Home

When Is It Time to Upgrade Your Home Network?

Your home’s Internet connection is in use 24 hours a day, and with new smart devices debuting all the time, there’s only going to be more stress placed on your network as you integrate new automated technology in your home.

Consider how much bandwidth you use when you have multiple smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, streaming devices, computers, and video games consoles running at the same time. Now factor in automated technology like smart lighting, climate control, and surveillance cameras that rely on your network to function.

That’s a lot to handle, but a home network setup from Western Audio Video gives you a robust and secure connection that keeps your Palo Alto smart home operating smoothly. Keep reading to learn about different networking solutions for some problems you may be experiencing right now.




Devices Aren’t Connecting to Wi-Fi

This has probably happened to you before: Your smart device is connected to the Wi-Fi in one room, and while it stays connected as you move to another part of the house, that signal is so weak that you disconnect the Wi-Fi and use your data instead. Our home network setup expands the reach of your Wi-Fi signal, so you’ll have wireless Internet anywhere in your home, including outdoors.

Many Wi-Fi access points have a limited number of connections they can support at any given time, so having multiple access points prevents any one piece of equipment from being overloaded. 


Netflix Doesn’t Load

You’ve invited friends over to binge watch a new Netflix series, but your viewing is interrupted by pauses for buffering and low-definition video when the connection weakens. It’s very likely that your television is wirelessly accessing the network like most of your devices, but when it comes to stationary technology, having a wired connection delivers faster speeds and more reliability. You don’t need to add to Wi-Fi traffic if the technology isn’t prohibited in any way by wires, and we’ll wire all those stationary components during your home network setup.




Your E-Mail Was Hacked

The more devices on your network, the more potential weak spots to be exploited by cybercriminals. We'll safeguard your connections with firewalls and network encryption, and our monitoring services can pinpoint problems and resolve them remotely. You'll be able to rest easy knowing that your family's information is safe, and having a protected system is essential when so much of your home relies on your network.

Want to learn more about how a home network setup can enhance your Palo Alto home? Reach out to one of our experts at (877) 747-9447 or by filling out our online form.


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