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Partner with Western Audio Video to Consolidate Your Office

Scale Back and Extend the Life of Your Conferencing Equipment to Save Costs Where Necessary

Partner with Western Audio Video to Consolidate Your Office

As typical workdays have been put on pause, you might be thinking of how your company will operate once everything returns to normal in San Francisco, CA. Now may be an opportune time to make plans for consolidating your office spaces and conference room AV equipment so you can save money and simplify your daily operations and communications.

It’s vital that you optimize your capital expenses and extend the longevity of your boardroom equipment where you can right now. Our AV professionals are here to help increase the value and utility of your already installed systems and technologies as well as recommend where equipment improvements would serve most beneficial for your business.

In this blog, we’ll dive into how our team can help you scale back where possible, optimize existing conference room technologies, and make improvements that will help your business be more productive and efficient down the line.

SEE ALSO: Which Teleconferencing Environment is the Best Fit for Your Business?

Consolidate Underutilized Spaces and Equipment

Are you looking to make major reductions in your office size and equipment? Do you have more conference rooms than needed, going to waste? If you already have existing technology in conference rooms that are underutilized, our team is here to help you consolidate and streamline your equipment.

Western Audio Video can help unify disparate setups, merging your equipment and making sure you optimize any new technology you bring to your conference room designs. We’ll help you budget for office changes and for plans to scale back on what AV equipment you won’t necessarily need.

Does your office building sport large conference rooms that your team won’t need once staff returns? Those under-utilized spaces can be set up as spares for occasional and future use. We can integrate your video conferencing and room control equipment so that it can all be turned on and ready to go with just a press of a button. When not in use for video conferencing, those rooms can be utilized for other purposes; but when you need them, they’ll just be a button press away.

Another great solution for scaling back is moving from traditional conference rooms to huddle rooms.

Opt for Scalable and Flexible Meeting Spaces

Huddle rooms are an excellent solution for downsizing your office spaces and conference room equipment while still maximizing productivity. These smaller, more flexible spaces require fewer AV components and are great for ad hoc brainstorming sessions, internal meetings, and video conferences with remote employees or ones across the globe.

Centralized AV distribution significantly reduces the equipment needed to conduct online meetings and digital presentations in various spaces of your office. From one controller, you can effortlessly distribute audio and video to one or more areas that have integrated displays and speakers.

Our integrators can set up these huddle rooms to be Zoom Rooms, so that connecting with internal team members and clients is quick, easy, and reliable. Cost-effective equipment will serve to bridge the gap between your remote workforce and the ones in your office. We’ll provide easy access to telecommunications and video conferencing technology in a tinier space, and you’ll be able to get the ball rolling in less time and with zero hassle.

Huddle rooms serve as fluid and consolidated areas that you can optimize to be whatever your employees need. These setups encourage creative thinking, productivity, social interaction between teams.

We’re Here to Support the Health of Your Systems

Lastly, your office AV technology requires regular maintenance in order to perform reliably around the clock. Western Audio Video offers ongoing service and support to maintain the health of your equipment and to fix or upgrade hardware and software when necessary.

Want to find out more about how we can help consolidate your offices and conferencing equipment? Give our team a call at (650) 229-5507 or fill out our online contact form here to learn how we can help with all your boardroom system needs. We’d love to hear from you.

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